4 House Plants You Can Grow In Water

Posted by Lynette Phillips on

4 House Plants You can Grow In Water

Some plants can grow happily in water alone. Many plants may only last a few seasons grown in this way, but others can last several years with the right care.
By snipping off a cutting from one of your existing plants and popping it in a glass filled only with water and a touch of liquid fertilizer, you can grow new and long-lasting plants at absolutely no cost. Plus, you’ll never have to clean up the mess from a knocked-over pot or worry about re-potting again.

All of the below plants can be grown in our tabletop plant proragator

Choose one of these four plants for a long-lasting water-based indoor garden. They don’t require specialized hydroponic systems with filters or specialized nutrients – just a glass, a bright spot, and the right water.



One of the most popular houseplants around, the Pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a great candidate for water growth.
Growing pothos in water when you already have an existing plant couldn’t be easier. Simply trim at least four inches off one of the longer, healthier vines just below a node. The longer the cutting, the better the chances of long-term growth as the plant will have more foliage to sustain itself.

Remove all the leaves from the bottom half of the cutting and rest the stem inside a glass filled with clean, filtered water. Plant several cuttings in the same glass for a fuller look.
Continue to top up the water as it evaporates to keep it above the root line. Once the roots have grown several inches long, pop a few drops of liquid houseplant fertilizer into the water to replace the nutrients that would have been obtained from the soil.

Continue to feed every 4-6 weeks, replacing the water completely when you do. Clean the glass every couple of months or when you notice algae or bacterial growth.



To root in water, follow the same steps as with the Pothos. Choose vines with large, healthy leaves for better photosynthesis to ensure quick growth. If you’re taking cuttings from an older plant, wipe down the leaves before planting to remove any collected dust.
Keep up the same care, moving the plants to a larger glass or trimming when the stems become too long for the existing container.

Chinese Evergreen

Aglaonemas are the perfect plants for foliage enthusiasts. The wide variety in leaf shape, color, and overall size is so impressive, it’s hard not to want to collect them all.
Adding to their allure is their ability to grow in water long-term, thanks to their thick stems and large leaves.
Start by choosing your favorite variety or cultivar to take a cutting from. With a large enough container, you can also place two different types together for an interesting contrasting feature.

It’s best to take cuttings from shoots rather than planting a whole plant in water as roots used to growing in soil do not respond well to being moved into water.
Choose a shoot with around five developed leaves emerging from the base of the plant. You can also cut existing older stems, but this may ruin the appearance of the parent plant.

The cutting should be around six inches long with plenty of foliage. Make sure you use clean, disinfected shears or a sharp knife for the thicker stems to avoid spreading disease.
Pop the stem into a glass of water and place it in a spot with bright indirect light. These plants tolerate a bit of neglect and won’t mind lower lighting conditions in the right temperatures.
Once the roots have developed, add a houseplant fertilizer to the water once every two months during the growing season to sustain the plant.

Spider Plant

Spider Plants (Chlorophytum comosum) are one of the easiest houseplants to propagate. These plants produce plantlets (or spiderettes) on long, cascading stems that can simply be snipped off the plant and popped in a glass of water to grow roots.
When your Spider Plant has produced a few plantlets that are large enough and have preferably started developing roots, cut them off the stem at the base.

Alternatively, you can cut the entire stem off the plant, but that limits the chance of another plantlet developing. Don’t cut too close to the base of the plantlet to avoid damaging the root system.
Place each baby in its own jar with the base resting in water. Use a jar with a thinned neck to hold the plant in place, or cover a regular jar with plastic wrap and make a hole for the roots to rest in.

As the water requires continual upkeep for long-term growth, it’s best to have a specialized jar you can easily take the plant in and out of. Once the roots grow several inches long, you can begin feeding with a balanced liquid fertilizer. Make sure to dilute the fertilizer heavily so it does not burn the roots of the new plant.

Continually top up the water above the base, but never leave the foliage sitting in water. If it starts to outgrow the jar or become crowded, move it to a larger jar.